Esty Calls for Independent Investigation Following Resignation of Michael Flynn


Date: Feb. 14, 2017
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty (CT-5) today issued the following statement after the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn:

"Russia is an oppressive, autocratic regime that is engaged in an ongoing campaign to weaken our nation and undermine our democracy. The American people need confidence that the White House takes this threat seriously and is working to keep our nation safe from it.

"Reports have emerged that the Justice Department and senior national security officials warned the White House weeks ago that General Michael Flynn had discussed the Obama administration's sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States and then lied about it. The White House was even warned that General Flynn may be vulnerable to Russian blackmail.

"We need an independent investigation to determine the full scope of the White House's ties to and communications with Russia. That investigation must determine whether General Flynn acted with the approval of other officials in the administration. It must also determine which, if any, officials were aware of General Flynn's activities -- but declined to act on them until a public outcry forced them to."
